Grievance and Discipline: Rules and Procedures
All grievance and dispute submissions must be in writing.
Grievance Policy
A grievance must be submitted to the immediate supervisor of the employee within fourteen (14) days after the occurrence of the event that gave rise to the grievance.
If no satisfactory result follows from the first submission detailed above, the grievance must be submitted within twenty one (21) days after the occurrence of the event to local management to be taken up at the local grievance committee meeting, which must be held within five (5) days after the submission of the grievance.
If no satisfactory result follows from the second submission, the grievance must be submitted within thirty (30) days after the dispute arises to the major grievance committee meeting, which must be held within seven (7) days after the submission of the grievance.
Dispute Policy:
Whereas grievances affect individual employees, disputes are of a more general nature and may affect several or all employees.
Any dispute must be submitted for consideration at the major grievance committee meeting within thirty (30) days after the dispute arises.
Submission to the local grievance committee is an additional requirement, which should occur at the first instance of the local grievance committee meeting within fifteen (15) days after the dispute arises.